waste plastic quality

  • Plastic waste and its management strategies for

    2021.12.1  Thermoplastics are the class of plastics that can be melted and molded by heating and hardened by cooling. They can be reheated, reshaped, and hardened

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  • Plastic waste: Challenges and opportunities - SAGE Journals

    2021.5.7  These facts show that plastic waste is one of the major challenges faced by waste managers today, everywhere on our planet.

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  • Plastic Pollution - UNEP - UN Environment Programme

    Every day, the equivalent of 2,000 garbage trucks full of plastic are dumped into the world's oceans, rivers, and lakes. Plastic pollution is a global problem. Every year 19-23 million

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  • Managing Plastic Waste─Sorting, Recycling, Disposal, and Product ...

    It discusses (a) the amount, quality, and sorting of plastic waste; (b) mechanical recycling and extraction or dissolution/precipitation; (c) chemical recycling to monomers and to

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  • Towards Higher Quality of Recycled Plastics:

    2021.11.30  In 2018 alone, the global plastic consumption reached 385 Mt, with a total generated waste of 250 Mt (i.e., signifying 65% of all consumed plastics). Of these, 50 Mt were sent for material recycling, 51

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  • Addressing the challenges of plastic waste McKinsey

    2022.9.2  The need to reduce plastic waste. In 2018, about 80 million metric tons of plastic waste were not managed to international standards, including via open dumping,

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  • Improving Sustainability and Circularity in Plastics

    2022.6.14  Improving the circularity of plastics—returning used plastic to the supply chain rather than having it become waste—will be critical to meet sustainability goals. At

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  • A critical review and future perspective of plastic waste recycling

    2023.7.10  Plastic waste (PW) created serious problems including clogging of drains, environmental damage and health problems to humans. Globally, 348 million tonnes of

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  • Quality model for recycled plastics (QMRP): An indicator for

    2022.8.15  Abstract. One of the key challenges for plastics in a circular economy is its degradation during use, washing and reprocessing. The reduced quality of recycled

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